
What can you do yourself?

Big measures

  • Have double HR++ or even triple HR++ (triple) glass installed.
  • Replace an outdated central heating boiler with an economical HR boiler. Or have the boiler set economically by a technician, for example lower the temperature from 80 to 60°C.

Save gas

  • Lower the heating by one (or two) degrees.
  • Only heat the room in which you sit or work.
  • Turn the heating down if you are not home during the day. This can be done automatically with a smart thermostat.
  • Do not heat the bedroom.
  • Turn the heating down at night.
  • Turn the heating down an hour earlier in the evening.
  • Close the curtains, both on cold and on hot days.
  • Radiator foil behind the radiators can help reflect the heat into the room.
  • Install draft excluders.
  • Shower shorter.
  • Choose a water-saving shower head.
  • Shower instead of taking a bath.
  • Place a thermostatic valve in the shower.

Save electricity

  • Replace all light bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs.
  • Turn off the lights in rooms and areas where you are not.
  • Prevent standby consumption: really switch off devices and unplug chargers when they are not in use.
  • Need new equipment? Then buy at least an A+++ variant.
  • Switch from a gas stove to an induction stove.
  • Do not heat more water than you need when, for example, making a cup of tea or cooking potatoes or pasta.
  • Replace an old fridge and/or freezer for an A+++ model.
  • A combination fridge and freezer uses less energy than two separate appliances.
  • Choose appliances to size: a refrigerator or washing machine that is too large in relation to the household wastes energy.
  • Only turn on the dishwasher when it is full and use the eco program.
  • Wash your clothes at a lower temperature.
  • Wash with a full drum.
  • Hang up the laundry. Tumble dryers use a lot of energy.
  • A laptop computer consumes less energy than a desktop. And a tablet is even more economical.
  • An LED television is more economical than a plasma television. And the smaller the screen, the less power is consumed.


Ga Goed Leiden logo

Ga Goed Leiden

On the website Ga Goed of the Municipality of Leiden you will find tips for making your home and garden or balcony more sustainable.

Duurzaam Bouwloket

On the website of the ‘Duurzaam bouwloket’ you will find more information about energy savings from the Municipality, and available subsidies.